Diabetes UK Tech Can't Wait campaigner Shelley Murray

Guest blog: Diabetes tech can’t wait

Angela Mitchell,National Director, Diabetes Scotland Join the ‘Tech Can’t Wait’ campaign! People living in poverty face a potential triple burden from diabetes. Firstly, they are more likely to develop type 2 and gestational diabetes than those on higher incomes. Secondly, if they do have diabetes, they are more likely to experience difficulties accessing healthcare services. … Read more

Stock image representing anxiety and poor mental health.

Guest blog: Reducing anxiety has to mean reducing poverty

Shari McDaid,Head of Policy & Public Affairs (Scotland),Mental Health Foundation Click here for more information about anxiety and how to get support How could tackling the injustice of poverty help reduce levels of anxiety in Scotland? It’s a good time to ask, because ‘anxiety’ is the theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week taking … Read more

A stock photo of Glasgow tenements

Community Wealth Building must have people at its heart

David EyreCommunications Officer, Poverty Alliance The injustice of poverty in wealthy Scotland shows that our economy is simply not working for everyone. Too many people, including 250,000 children, continue to have their health, wellbeing, and life chances restricted by poverty. The distribution of wealth in Scotland also remains vastly unequal, with Scotland’s richest 10% of … Read more

End Poverty Edinburgh at the First Minister’s anti-poverty summit

Linda Craik, End Poverty Edinburgh Linda Craik is a member of End Poverty Edinburgh, an independent group of citizens supported by the Poverty Alliance to raise awareness of poverty in Edinburgh, influence decision making and hold the city to account. She addressed the First Minister’s anti-poverty summit on 3 May 2023. Listen to Heather Pugh … Read more

Children in silhouette

We can free parents from the injustice of working poverty

David Eyre,Communications Officer, The Poverty Alliance Click here to read our inquiry response! It’s just not right that so many parents in Scotland – and their children – are trapped in the grip of poverty by an unjust labour market and failures in Scotland’s employability support. More than two-thirds of children in poverty live in … Read more

Poverty is a failure of human rights

Poverty and inequality are creating a human rights crisis in the UK

Lydia MurphyDevelopment Officer, Poverty Alliance In March, organisations from Scotland went to Geneva, giving evidence to as the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights about the UK’s human rights record. Their reports – and reports from other civil society organisations across the country– show that there is a human rights crisis in the … Read more

Humza Yousaf receiving the Great Seal of Scotland after taking the oath as First Minister.

Action on the injustice of poverty is new FM’s defining mission

Peter KellyDirector, The Poverty Alliance With the contest for Scotland’s new First Minister over, attention now turns to the priorities of our new government. Our hope is that Humza Yousaf will turn Scotland’s shared values of justice and compassion into concrete action to tackle the ongoing injustice of poverty. During the campaign to become SNP … Read more

A stock image showing the hands of an older man counting coins from his wallet.

Why we need a pensioner poverty strategy for Scotland

Debbie HorneScotland Policy and Public Affairs ManagerIndependent Age At Independent Age we believe no one should face poverty in later life. But currently too many older people in Scotland face the daily reality of just that, with the number of pensioners living in poverty now 150,000 – up 25% since 2012. This statistic torpedoes the … Read more

An image of two children, one helping the other has a temperature

Scotland’s poorest children suffer the most

Heather WilsonProgramme and Policy Officer The Health Foundation Without a doubt Scotland’s poorest children are suffering the most. We know this from the Health Foundation’s recently launched report ‘‘Leave no one behind: The state of health and health inequalities in Scotland’ was the culmination of a multi-stranded review undertaken over the past 12 months, focusing … Read more

A child playing with building blocks.

New Challenges: Working towards better experiences of child maintenance

Fiona McHardy Research & Information Manager Click here to read our report! When we think about children and young people’s needs, we often think about parents and caregivers as the central people in their lives. We don’t immediately consider the structures that support them, but these are critical to the success of those parenting and … Read more

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