A stock image showing one person heling another reach the summit of a mountain, representing looking out for each other.

Blog: The numbers are in – people care about looking out for each other

David Eyre,Communications Officer, The Poverty Alliance People in Scotland believe in a society based on justice, compassion, and equality. I know. I’ve seen the figures. The newest edition of the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey has found that almost half of people think government should increase taxes and spending on health, education and social benefits. Just … Read more

Pounds and pence

Blog: Human Rights Budgeting – Resourcing a Fairer Future

Lydia Murphy,Development Officer,The Poverty Alliance Our Lydia Murphy recently shared her expert human rights knowledge with THRE – Third Sector Human Rights and Equalities. A recording of her webinar is above, and in this special blog she talks about how organisations have a responsibility to use their budgets to support our shared human rights.   … Read more

A stock image of different coloured threads coming together, to represent partcipatory research and approaches.

Guest blog: Participatory knowledge as evidence in policymaking in Scotland

Dr Hayley Bennett,Lecturer in Social Policy, University of Edinburgh Click here to download the discussion paper! From 2021 to 2022, Dr Hayley Bennett, University of Edinburgh, collaborated with the Poverty Alliance research team using an ESRC impact placement to undertake a project exploring ‘participation’ in policymaking. In this blog, she summarises the discussion paper, ‘Participatory … Read more

UK Houses of Parliament

Blog: After the Landslide: What now for the fight against poverty?

Peter Kelly, Chief Executive, The Poverty Alliance https://www.povertyalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/PK_audio_graphic.mp4 It may have been a surprise election, and only been a six-week campaign, but for many people the ‘festival of democracy’ inspired little genuine enthusiasm. Perhaps this was because the outcome was so widely predicted and, in the end, seemed almost inevitable. More likely was that after … Read more

An image of a woman in a wheelchair with a young girl sitting on her knee (c) Carers Trust

Guest Blog: Carers Week 2024 put carers on the map – but now what?

Becky Duff, Director for Scotland,Carers Trust, Read about the Carers Trust three key demands of the next UK Government Like the team here at Carers Trust, you may have spent 10th-17th June celebrating Carers Week. This annual awareness campaign aims to amplify the visibility and voice of carers and their experiences. Up and down the … Read more

Linda Craik - Poverty Summit - 3 May 2023

Guest blog: A new beginning… or more of the same?

Linda Craik, Activist,End Poverty Edinburgh Clilck here to find out more about End Poverty Edinburgh A year ago, on 3rd May 2023, myself, and others with lived experience of poverty took part in the then First Minister’s Poverty Summit in Edinburgh.   During that summit – and in follow up meetings with the First Minister, and … Read more

A stock image illustrating human rights

Blog: Adding human rights to our collective power!

Lydia Murphy, Development Officers, The Poverty Alliance Clilck here to read the Together for Change report!   “it has allowed me to grow and a human rights approach has run through it all”   Since January 2022 we have been working to support organisations and communities to add human rights to their collective power through our … Read more

A stock image of two balloons representing our growing collective wealth.

Blog: Fair taxes build better budgets. Better budgets build a better future.

David Eyre,Communications Officer, Poverty Alliance Imagine blowing up a balloon. You puff and puff and puff and eventually tie it off. It’s about the size of your head and you’re very happy with it. But your friend comes along, and they have a balloon too. Except theirs is about twice the size of yours. It’s … Read more

Cfine Aberdeen Parade

Guest blog: Cash-first but not ‘cash-only’ when tackling poverty

Graeme Robbie,Senior Development Manager,CFINE Community Food Initiatives North East Clilck here to support find more about Cfine’s work! The reality of deep, pernicious, and increasing poverty in a seemingly rich country like ours is a damning indictment of the socio-economic age we live in. For those of us who try to draw attention to the … Read more

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