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News: Poverty numbers show urgent need to raise social investment

Download audio from here. Responding to today’s statistics on Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland, Ruth Boyle, Policy & Campaigns Manager at The Poverty Alliance, said: “People in Scotland want a society where we look out for each other and end the injustice of poverty. We can achieve that, but only if we turn those values … Read more

UK Government Red Despatch Boxes

News: Budget give-aways won’t help tackle poverty

Reacting to today’s Spring Budget, Peter Kelly, director of The Poverty Alliance, said: “People want a society based on justice and compassion, where everyone has a solid foundation to build a better life. This Budget doesn’t deliver that. “National Insurance and Capital Gains Tax changes will give away huge amounts of money to the richest … Read more

Budget fails to deliver fundamental change

Responding to today’s Scottish Budget, Peter Kelly – director of The Poverty Alliance – said: “The foundation of our society and our economy is the public good we’ve created together. But it’s been weakened badly. Sadly, this Scottish Budget fails to deliver the fundamental changes we need to address poverty. “We called for the Scottish … Read more

Scottish anti-poverty charities back tax calls ahead of Scottish Budget

Two leading Scottish anti-poverty charities have welcomed a new report by the Scottish Trades Unions Congress, which outlines how the Scottish Government could raise up to £3.7 billion more per year from progressive tax changes. Jamie Livingstone, Head of Oxfam Scotland, said: “The Scottish Government faces difficult choices in the upcoming Scottish Budget, however, this … Read more

A stock photo of three young men in their wheelchairs.

Ministers don’t have the right to say who is fit for work

Anti-poverty campaigners have accused the UK Government of using the threat of hunger and destitution to push people into unsuitable work. The Poverty Alliance – Scotland’s national anti-poverty network – says proposed changes to give the Department of Work & Pensions the power to strip people of their social security are ‘immoral’ and unworkable. Poverty … Read more

A person caring for an older person

Being brave means ending the regressive council tax

Responding to news that the First Minister wants to freeze council tax, Poverty Alliance director Peter Kelly said: “Progressive taxation is essential to allow for the investment in the public services that help create and sustain a just economy. It is disappointing then that the Scottish Government has decided to shelf plans to reform Council … Read more

First Minister Humza Yousaf at anti-poverty summit April 2023 (c) The Scottish Government

Humza Yousaf to meet people living on low incomes to build stronger solutions to poverty

Campaigners meeting the First Minister today will have an opportunity to hear how their experiences of low incomes are helping to shape the Scottish Government’s response to poverty. Humza Yousaf will be meeting the Poverty Alliance and activists with experience of low incomes who were invited to take part in the First Minister’s anti-poverty summit … Read more

A stock image of someone working in the hospitality sector.

Tackling the drivers of in-work poverty in Scotland

New research reveals actions that governments across the UK can take to support low-paid workers and employers in the hospitality sector in Scotland. Serving the Future, a collaboration between the Poverty Alliance, the Fraser of Allander Institute, and the Institute for Inspiring Children’s Futures, has been working with hospitality employers and workers to identify actions … Read more

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