Briefing: Parental employment and child poverty

There’s a huge injustice at the heart of Scotland’s labour market. That’s demonstrated by the fact that two-thirds of children in poverty live in working households. Tackling child poverty means tackling parent poverty, and that means building a wellbeing economy where people have access to fair work with decent wages.

In our briefing for MSPs in advance of this debate in Parliament on Parental Employment and Child Poverty we show how employers can help by signing up by becoming Living Wage and Living Hours employers. And we show how the Scottish Government can help by using its influence and buying power to encourage companies to commit to Fair Work, and an economy that puts people first.

We also highlight the ways that Government can promote equal access to work for parents, by delivering on childcare pledges, improving access to public transport, and providing training and learning opportunities for parents that are flexible, affordable and easy to access.

You can read the briefing in the window below, or download it from here.

You can also click here to read our blog about freeing parents from the injustice of in-work poverty.

Poverty Alliance Briefing for Debate on Parental Employment (14.03.2024)

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