Angela Moohan
Angela Moohan – Founder and CEO – Angela founded The Larder in 2010 to address rising youth unemployment in West Lothian. Since then she has led the organisation to support over 4,000 people access training, good quality food and learn to cook. Since 1984 Angela has been active, in a personal and professional capacity, in communities, campaigning for a fairer and more just society that encourages and provides opportunities for everyone to flourish, regardless of their heritage and personal circumstances. She has a BA Degree in Community Education and recent qualifications in leadership and strategic development. She has a proven track record in community development and engagement and was a key driver for the community food sector between 2005 and 2010, working with likeminded organisations from the UK and Europe to collaborate and find ways to increase access to healthy food options whilst developing a social enterprise model. She has over 20 years experiencing of managing projects and teams in the public and third sector. She was the recipient of the Shona Sibbald Women in Business award in 2019 and was named on the top 100 Women in Social Enterprise List in 2022. Angela is an executive member of the Third Sector Employability Forum and became a board member of The Poverty Alliance in 2023 and is committed to collaborative working to eradicate poverty. In her private life she has just become a granny and is already addicted to her nearly six month old grandson. She is a family person and loves nothing better than spending spare time with her husband, daughters and friends for a good old blether and good food.
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