Challenge Poverty Week Activities for Schools – Talking about Poverty
1 October - 31 October
Children and young people taking part in the Cost of the School Day Big Question said it’s important we talk more about poverty to help remove stigma and raise awareness of the help that’s available at school. So that’s what we’re doing this Challenge Poverty Week!
We’ve got four brand-new Talking about Poverty activities. You can do all of them with your pupils or just choose one or two. Each activity works well on its own or as part of a set. Activities are hosted on Mentimeter and you can get all of the information on how to access them at the link below.
Activity 1: talking to politicians and the government
Work together to come up with a question or something you’d like to tell politicians and the people in charge of education. We’ll pass all questions on. You can submit group or class questions, or do it individually on separate devices.
Activity 2: talking to each other about costs at school
Find out what other pupils in your school think about school costs. What are things like, and what could be better?
Activity 3: talking to your headteacher
Interview your headteacher about what your school is doing to challenge poverty and come up with a Cost of the School Day pledge together for your school.
Activity 4: talking to your school community
Create some eye-catching posters to explain to your school community what support is on offer and how to access it.
Let everyone know how your school is challenging poverty this week and all year round. Send your questions, pledges, findings and posters to us at and we’ll share them during Challenge Poverty Week.
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